Need a Loan?

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This will be text supplied by the Credit Union.


This will be text supplied by the Credit Union.

Calculate Loan Repayments

 Type of Loan
 Loan Amount Required:  1000
 Loan Term: 12 Months
Weekly Payment 20.43 12.73% APR  52 Payments
Fortnightly Payment 40.90 12.72% APR  26 Payments
Monthly Payment 88.85 12.68% APR  12 Payments
Total Amount Payable 1066.11 
Total Interest Payable 66.11  
  Disclaimer: This information is provided for illustrative purposes only. It does not constitute a loan offer. The results displayed by this calculator are approximate only and are not a statement of the actual repayments that will be charged on any actual loan. They will be a close approximation of actual loan repayments if available at the terms entered.